
Hello I'm Anti Radqueer dave and this is my collection of stamps and blinkies,

If you'd like to see them somewhat organized check out my tumblr @anti-rq-daves-cult

About me:

I've been collecting stamps for about a year at this point

I'm neurodivergent and have high functioning autism and ADHD

I have a collection of dolls including Bratz Reproductions, Rainbow High, My Little Pony, and i'm hoping to add more soon! ^^

I update this site whenever i can! so make sure to check back every so often to see whats new!!! I used to upload new stamps i found more frequently but recently i've kept forgetting sorry!!

I'm a hellenic pagan who currently only worships athena! I'm a hardcore Sonic The Hedgehog Fan and I collect the toys and have been playing the games!!

Where do i find my stamps?

I find my stamps on neocities (where we are right now!), Devaint art, And Tumblr!

Here's some links to some of my favorite stamp/graphic collections!!


Quinns Stamp Collection!

Stamps Yay

Echos Graphics

Caspers Graphics

Angels Web Archive

Cocopie Graphic Collection

Pubbies Doghouse!

Hopefully you check these people out!

Wanna check out my guest book?


The webrings i'm currently in! :3
no ai webring previous random next a black background with text in a white-to-colour vertical gradient, each letter a colour of the rainbow; it reads NO AI / WEBRING. on either side are two arrows pointing left and right